I have been given a new assignment at work, hence the silence on my blog. The new position requires less travel than my previous assignment. This is definitely good for the family. Although the beginning seems to be filled with long hours, I have my mornings with the Keane and Ryan and some evenings with Xavier.
We had an interesting conversation in the car today. Xavier has been reading quite an extensive range of books related to medieval times, covering fantasy such as dragons and warlocks. He asked me if we could change the future. I said that the future depended on our actions today. What we do today determines the future.
He gave it a thought and said,"Is it like.....if I'm not supposed to get caning in the future but I do something naughty today, I will get a caning?" I had to resist a laugh and said,"Yes. Say if you think before you do something and decide not to do something naughty, you can avoid a caning in future. Our future is in our hands."
With that said, Keane immediately looked at his palms in search of his future.