Sunday, July 14, 2013

Public service and integrity

Recently there were 2 pieces of news which are grabbing headlines. Both are very different yet similar. One is about cleaning hawker centres and another about a grisly double murder. Both involve public servants.

One of the most important requirement for being a public servant is the ability to be a cut above others in terms of honesty and integrity. Your ability determines how far you can go but honesty and integrity, in my humblest opinion, determines whether you should be there in the first place. Yes, we are humans after all and humans are imperfect. I don't think anyone expects politicians or public servants to be perfect. The expectation, I guess, is for them to carry out their duties while holding their heads up high.

Does this mean that public servants will no longer be allowed to have their own private lives? To a certain degree, yes. You can maintain privacy but you must bear in mind that your life may be subject to scrutiny at any time. This is especially so in today's technologically advanced world. Access to information on the internet is very easy and whatever you do can be captured on a camera and uploaded for one and all to see. This cannot be taken for granted and must be on everyone's mind, politician or commoner alike.

That being said, do we maintain our integrity and honesty only to avoid being caught on camera? I think the motivation for good behaviour should stem from the heart and desire to be good instead of the need to avoid being caught misbehaving. That makes all the difference. If you have the right motivation, you will not fear being caught in the first place. If you force yourself to behave in a certain manner in order to conform, you will get caught out eventually. 纸包不住火,真金不怕火。

The most important guiding principle for everyone is to be true to yourself and choose to do something which you genuinely believe in for the right reason.

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