Monday, December 2, 2013

Values....a school's part

In an earlier post, I had some thoughts about values and the part teachers today play in imparting such values to our future generation.

I went to Endeavour to pick up Xavier after his badminton training and saw some interesting things which I want to share. These are what the students of the school see everyday as they arrive at school and during morning assembly.

One single banner shouts "No one owes Singapore a living". This is a very direct and true to heart. I wonder if it is a message to the younger generation who seem to lack grit to face adversity. This is less of their own undoing than the result of over-protective parents.
No one owes Singapore a living

Various banners

The other 4 banners say:
1) Singapore is our homeland; this is where we belong.
2) We must preserve racial and religious harmony.
3) We have confidence in our future.
4) We must uphold meritocracy and incorruptibility.

School values

4 mosaic pictures that say Integrity, Compassion, Diligence, Perseverance and Innovation stand guard at the entrance to the school building.
I am happy to say that my children attend Endeavour Primary School which has the right environment to drive the right moral values to my children. I am sure that there are many other schools like that. However, I cannot stress more than enough the importance of teachers. An environment is like a shell. The children need the proper guidance from the teachers to form the right character to ensure our future does not end at their generation.
Kudos to all teachers who make sacrifices to educate our future!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

7 Days' Juice Fast......I did it!

For the past few months, I have been trying very hard to shed the last few kilos to attain my ideal weight without success. I realized that it has to do with my diet, although I must confess that I am not working as hard in the gym as I did 1.5 years ago when I just started working out. I knew I had to do something to break the plateau.

Due to a happy coincidence, I got to know a couple (Bamm and Christina Hardie) who run a business providing healthy food choices. I started ordering from Munchster by Saladier almost daily. After about 3 weeks of their food, minus weekends and days where I have business lunches/dinners, my digestive system was cleaner and I lost a kilo. The best part is that their food is awesome. The Hardies have made healthy, clean and delicious food something which is attainable. A number of colleagues were sold after they tried Munchster. There is a group of us who order our lunches/dinners from Munchster regularly. They provide deliveries which make it so easy.

After talking to Christina more, I decided to go on a 7 days' juice fast to kick start my system and break my plateau. When I shared my thoughts with friends and colleagues, I received a mixed response. Some were concerned that I was going to suffer and others thought that it was too extreme and I should moderate the fast. However, a few encouraged me to proceed with my plan. With no disrespect to the others, these are the ones who are in truly good health and shape. The few who know that it takes effort to look good and feel good. Effort that is not restricted to just exercise. You need to watch what you eat. 80% of weight management effort comes from food and only 20% comes from exercise. Discipline is the key. That being said, I went ahead with my plan.

My diet consists of the following:
1) Juice from half a lemon with warm water first thing in the morning
2) About 800ml of juice for breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and just before sleep
3) Coconut juice or herbal tea in between to stave off hunger pangs

I started my fast on a Monday. I had to make my own breakfast on the first day. It was a watermelon and kiwi smoothie which was quite easy to drink. I then have my juices delivered to my office daily. I consume 4 on the same day and 1 for breakfast the next day. I bring a cooler to the office for the transportation of the juices home for consumption at night.

On the first couple of days, I felt hungry very easily and I drank loads of tea to stave off the hunger pangs. I alternated between Rooibos and Fennel tea. I suffered withdrawal syndromes from the lack of coffee initially. I couldn't stop yawning on the first 2 days! I went to the gym on Monday and Wednesday. The workout on Monday was fine. I did my usual 2km warm up and training with my trainer and buddy. The workout on Wednesday was harder (my trainer pushes me harder when I'm solo) and I felt light headed before the end of the workout. My trainer said he would have offered me candy but he didn't want me to break my fast. That night, I had dreams that I accidentally ate some food!

This next paragraph may sound grotesque to some but it is a fact of a juice fast. Skip this paragraph if you are easily put off by talk of bowel movement. Christina warned me that bowel movement will be a lot more than usual in the first couple of days since the body will undergo detox with all the cleansing from a pure juice diet. The funny thing was that I wasn't affected that greatly because I normally did not have any issue with my bowel movement. I usually go twice or at least once daily, especially after I started taking clean meals from Munchster. During the juice fast, I felt like a baby with a super efficient digestive system! No need to go into more details.

I made it through the work week relatively easily. I think the fact that I lost 2 kg in 3 days helped me persist. I made sure that I planned my weekend activities around my juice meals such that I didn't have to carry my juices with me. It wasn't that difficult when I looked back since it was only one weekend. I simply ordered lunch for the family from Munchster on Saturday. I made sure I went back home after the kids' swimming to drink my lunch before I brought Keane to his MindChamps session. I drank my snack before I head out for the evening activities on both Saturday and Sunday and had my dinner after I reached home. It is a lot easier on a work day though.

The painful times during the juice fast happened over the weekend. I had to make sure my kids had their food but not partake. Imagine walking in the food court with smells wafting from various stalls, beckoning me to take a bite. The most challenging must have been during our regular Saturday movie night. Ryan was having some chips and Vincent having pretzel sticks. Both offered their snacks to me and I had to refuse. I can still vividly recall the smell of the cheese from Ryan's chips!!!

I am happy to say that, as of Sunday night, before my last juice meal, I lost 3 kg over the last 7 days. I am finally less than 60kg! I feel much lighter and happier. I shall try to go on a 7 days' juice fast once a quarter and a 3 days' fast once a month if I can. This week has proven a few things:
1) We can live without food for 7 days. I'm still alive and kicking.
2) We can do without meat. Protein does not come from meat alone!!!
3) We are what we eat. Eat right to live right.
4) Anyone can do this as long as they have the right motivation. Who doesn't want good health?

After interaction with the Hardies, I become more aware of the easy access to unhealthy food. Unhealthy food is cheaper and readily available. There are people out there who would shamelessly sell something unhealthy or unclean in order to make a quick profit. Yes, there are a lot of stories out there on the internet that make such proclamations. Honestly, I tend to take most of them with a pinch of salt. However, I do not disagree that the food industry is in need of a change. People need to be educated about their choices of food. Healthy food should not be something that only the well to do can afford.

To one and all, I encourage you to eat healthy and clean. Would you rather spend more on healthy food choices or doctors' bills in future? No one needs to be a fanatic to have a healthy diet. You just need to be mindful of what you consume and indulge only once in a while. Remember, you are what you eat. Here's to good health....and wealth....cheers!