Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Where oh where have our morals gone?

We had a big disappointment this week. We found out that Keane has been copying answers from the back of his assessment book during his practices! We were more disappointed than upset with him. We duly informed him that we were sad that he lacked integrity. We suspect that he just wants to get his homework over and done with so that he can play. He did feel a bit ashamed but I wonder how long that feeling will last. It is very disappointing because Keane is very good natured and obedient.

I have been trying to spend more time with him because it is evident that he lacks attention and he is slowly showing signs of middle child syndrome. I am bringing him for hip hop dance class on Saturday and enrichment class at MindChamps on Sunday. I must say that he committed to these willing before anyone accuses me of being a kiasu mother. He has been bugging me about hip hop dance classes for a while. Fortunately the hubby found a school at Ang Mo Kio. The MindChamps was something that just came. A consultant gave a talk at our company and I attended a free seminar, aka selling session, and Keane attended a trial class. He liked the trial class and wanted to go back for more. That episode is another chapter altogether....wait for it.

I had a conversation with Gabriel recently. That is if you consider a chat on Whatsapp a proper conversation. We were griping about how schools seem to have lost their focus on character building and the cultivation of morals. It's all about results, results and nothing but results. We guess that the teachers do have the key performance indicators to meet but the question is whether they are sacrificing the character building of the children in the process. I seriously think that a lot of this focus has to do with the parents. Competitive parents do give the teachers pressure. Another issue is whether we are attracting the right talent to the teaching profession. Are teachers as caring as they used to be? Are parents even concerned if their children are developing the right values as they learn? What are they really learning?

I am glad Xavier and Keane are at Endeavour. Their school values are: EDP=I2C. E is for Endeavour, the name of the school. D=Diligence, P=Perseverance, I=Integrity, I=Innovation, C=Compassion. Xavier knows this by heart. I'm proud that he holds these values to himself. He could articulate that Keane does not have integrity by copying answers from the back of his assessment book.

I can see some changes coming out from the Ministry of Education. As a parent, I am glad that there are changes. We have to build the character in our children! Academic results can only bring you so far in life. The most important thing we have to focus on as parents or caregivers is the ability to arm our children, our future generation, with the necessary tools for them to thrive and succeed. Succeed in their own way, not ours. Succeed in achieving what they set out to accomplish, not what we want them to accomplish. Succeed in making their lives meaningful and being able to do the same for future generations. That is how mankind can survive, failing which humanity may be lost eventually.

I have another interesting story on integrity but shall save that for next time. Later......

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