Saturday, January 16, 2016

Clever conversation

Mummy: Do you remember how to spell the different days of the week?
Ryan: I forgot.
M: How can you forget? What if you need to know which day it is? What if someone asks you or tries to bluff you? (Clever mummy)
R: I have a calendar. (Cleverer boy)
M: What if the printer makes mistakes and puts Thursday instead of Monday, Friday instead of Wednesday? How would you know if you don't know how to spell the days?
R: .....(cleverest mummy)
M: So if a person spells Wednesday as W-E-D-N-A-S-D-A-Y on the calendar, what will you do?
R: I'll take away the A and put E there. (Impressed mummy)
M: How about if he spells Tuesday as T U O O S D A Y instead?
R: I'll take away the 2 Os and put....
M: Put what?
R: Erm....put...put....
M: So what will you do?
R: Take out all the wrong letters and put the correct letters there! (Smart Alec son)

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