Monday, March 21, 2011

Return to Japan?

My boss told me to wait for things to settle down in Japan before returning to work. It's a good thing I have a lot of other things to keep me occupied......

I feel that the radiation levels in Tokyo are minimal but everyone is saying that we won't know what will happen next. Besides, there is some scepticism about the truth being reported accurately.

My ex-boss told me today - if not for any other reason, then do it for your family.

That's why I came home last week, before what I now call the chaos.

If I were single, I would have stayed on. Some might say that I'm just saying this because I'm now in Singapore and it's easy to hide behind a physical excuse. Those who know me better will know better.

When I was home last week, I spent time with my family. We went to the zoo and we went shopping. Xavier and Keane both had new Lego sets. Ryan had a new pair of Barney sandals which I absolutely detest. I think they are so ugly and ergonomically challenged but he loves them with all of his heart. He refused to wear the pair of Clarks which I bought him, even though they have blinking lights on the straps. Keane loves the Clarks but unfortunately they were obviously too small for him.

Xavier was lucky enough to get 2 sets of Lego from the Pharaoh's Quest series. The Rise of the Sphinx and the Cursed Cobra Statue. He now has my colleague from the US promise to get the Scorpion Pyramid set. It's much cheaper to buy them at the US. Xavier's dream is now to go to Legoland in California. He is now pretty Internet savvy and is able to give me loads of information from the Internet. Of course it is limited to only topics of his interest.

He has also surfed the Hong Kong Disneyland website to identify that he wants to go to Adventureland and not Fantasyland for his June holidays. This was after the Japan disaster ended his Tokyo Disneyland dream. There's no way my in-laws will allow us to bring the kids to Japan now.

Keane was able to fix a small race car and helicopter from the Racers series. At least I think it was the Racers series. He was surprisingly good except that his fine motor skills still have a lot of room for improvement. He was very excited with his accomplishment. I think Lego is awesome!

My count has been increasing slowly but surely....I wonder if it was because of someone reading all my past posts, or if there were people who keep tabs on my blog for new posts. I highly suspect the former.....but it isn't me.

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