Saturday, May 7, 2011

Drama with the domestic help

I'm not exaggerating when I say I have had domestic helper woes.

Last week, I received a call from hubby to say that the helper was not doing work in the morning, when she is meant to be, and was on the phone. Worse was she received a call from a man and started chit chatting with him. When hubby asked her if it was her boyfriend, she got angry. She said that if hubby doesn't like her or is unhappy, there is no need to get angry, he can just transfer her to another employer.

I went home and got her to start packing. Before I instructed her to pack, I asked her to give me both her mobile phones to be held in custody until we reach the employment agent. She refused. I threatened to call the police and inform them about her abuse of my child and she tried to test my resolve by agreeing very aggressively.

I gave up trying to struggle with her and asked her to pack her belongings. I went through the items she packed in her luggage. I found out that she had actually locked her luggage and when she opened it, I found some polo t-shirts which belonged to me in it. I asked her why she had them in her luggage and she said that I said I was going to throw them out so she took them. I obviously have not thrown them out yet. I shall cut to the the end I found that she had started to use some pouches which were left lying around the house without informing us.

Before we left the house, she locked both her mobile phones in her luggage. When we reached the car park of the building where the agent was located, she opened her luggage and took out her mobile phone despite my protests. She said she was going to call her family. I immediately asked the agent to come down to the car park. The agent took some time during which the helper took out the SIM card from her phone and broke it.

At the agent location, they did another search of her belongings and I found another T-shirt and pouch which I didn't notice earlier. There were also 2 one dollar coins in her pocket, for which she wouldn't have use when she was working at home. More suspicion. After the agent gave her a telling off, I signed some paperwork and left.

The replacement would only be available to work for me, if all paperwork was approved, in June. I almost cried. Good riddance but domestic woes for us....more for the hubby really.

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