Sunday, January 15, 2012

Road Safety

I hate to start the New Year with a post that carries negative news. A 9 year old boy was knocked down by a speeding vehicle in Sembawang on Friday 13 Jan. He passed away the following day.

Comments on the blog of Endeavour's principal shed some light on the accident. Someone saw the deceased running across the road at a traffic light to catch a bus. The green man at the traffic light was flashing. 2 other boys who were running with him decided to give up the chase. The next thing that the witness saw was a car hitting the boy. Apparently he flew upon impact.

It's very sad that the accident could have been avoided if everyone played their part.

I feel that my kids should not be allowed to go anywhere on their own until they are in secondary school, when they are 13 years old. My kids should take the school bus or be ferried by their parents. I always insist that they hold the hands of an adult when they cross a road, walk in the car park or just along any side street within the estate. That's how paranoid I am.

The paranoia came about because of an accident 10 years ago involving the child of an ex-colleague. His son was standing at a traffic light junction when a car hit him. He was not even walking, just waiting for the traffic light to change. I think the child was 7 or 10 years old. It was heart wrenching.

When I was a kid, my parents made sure that I was escorted to the school gate every day until I was in secondary school. I was not allowed to go out with my friends or on my own until I was 12. There was once I sneaked off after an excursion to go to McDonalds with my friends when I was 11 (primary 5). That made my brother late for his swimming and I got hell from my mom even though she didn't know about my trip. That was the one and only time. The only other time I was allowed out was to go to a friend's home when I was 12 (primary 6). I think it was more of my safety than anything else that made my parents strict. I am grateful for that.

I've seen cars parked outside the school gate at Endeavour during dismissal time, despite the principal's request for parents not to do so. The children just cross the road in between the cars and drivers cannot see them until it is too late. There are some parents who allow their kids to just get out of the car and cross the road by themselves. My message to them is: Don't take things for granted. Teach your kids that the walk to the nearest pedestrian crossing or overhead bridge is worth the effort.

Drivers must take care and not speed. I admit that I speed more than I should. However I slow things down when I am driving in a housing estate where jay walking is more prevalent. When I jay walk, I tend to be overly careful. It's just a habit developed from young. I won't change.

I hope that everyone will put in a bit more effort towards road safety, for others and us.

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