Saturday, February 14, 2009


Here's the link to Shin's cancer blog.....if it doesn't work, do a search for shin's cancer blog....

I've never read her blog although I've seen her in the news....after reading it, I'm even more inspired to continue with my blog and I want to make this something that I can leave for my children, hubby and friends. A piece of me which will be there.....

I'd like to share something about my children...I call them my 3 monstrous musketeers.....Xavier (5), Keane (3) and Ryan (9 mths).

My lovely boys are the joy of my life. I can go on and on about them so there you have my source for going on with blogging.

Something sweet and funny that Xavier said:
Xavier: Mummy, I want a mei-mei (little sister)....
Me: Who's going to look after mei-mei?
Xavier: I'll look after mei-mei and Keane will look after Ryan. But please stop after that otherwise there will be too many children (in our family).....

On another occasion:
Xavier: Mummy, when I am six and Keane is four and Ryan is two, can we have a mei-mei?

I wonder why my son's asking me for a little sister. He probably wants to balance the sexes in our family.

I can't share much about what Keane says as he is still focusing on physical development rather than speech. But here's one that's bound to bring on a smile. My mom has a habit of saying "call me" when she meets Keane, in an effort to teach him manners in her own way. So he is used to saying "po po" (granny) in response.

Conversation between Keane and hubby:
Dad: Call me...
Keane: po po
Dad: Call ME...
Keane: po po
Dad (exasperated): me Daddy.
Keane: Daddy
Dad: call me
Keane: po po

This is a classic example of the dangers of teaching by rote. I have to help me unlearn the rote answer to the request "call me". Maybe it's simpler if we just not make that request to him. His life is quite complicated as it is.

I think I know where this will go and I will see if I can continue in this direction......

I seriously have to think of how to improve the look of this blog. For now it will have to be character being more important than looks, or content more important than cover.

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