Saturday, March 10, 2012

Facebook has its purpose

I recently got in touch with an old friend from university days through Facebook. Then I started looking at his photos of his family. Then that led to checking out his friends who were our mutual friends in university. Then it reminded me that I've not checked out the photos of my own friends even though we've been "friends" on Facebook for so long. These are my friends from junior college.

As I was browsing the photos, I see my friends with their families. I see some photos from more than 20 years ago. I couldn't believe how some of us have changed.....yes I have put on weight from 20 years ago. I have definitely gained a few wrinkles from the wisdom, or so I'd like to think.

It's strange how you can be tagged in someone's photo on Facebook without being aware of it. That's quite creepy to an extent. I don't upload any photos on Facebook because I am paranoid. However I cannot control other people uploading photos which contain myself.

One common theme I found across all the photos was family bliss. I see my friends looking at their children with a look of contentment. The smiles on their faces when they are with their children is something that comes so naturally that you can feel the happiness projecting from the phone. Yes, thank goodness for smart phones which make access to the internet so easy.

I don't have many friends on Facebook. I cannot remember how many but it's definitely less than 30. I'm not popular. I don't accept friends regularly either. Why? Because there's nothing for me to show on Facebook. I have no photos, not much on my wall and I think after a while people have accepted that I'm not much of a Facebook user. But I think Facebook definitely has its purpose.

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