Saturday, February 26, 2011

Home sweet home.....

I arrived home this always warms my heart when the stewardess ends her arrival announcement with "and to all Singaporeans, a warm welcome home".

I had quite a good sleep on the flight, considering that I wasn't able to make it through an entire movie. I was very tired and very ready to go home after 3 weeks in Tokyo. Fortunately I bought a net book and brought it with me during this last trip. I was able to use Skype to make free video calls home. The kids were ecstatic when they could see me on the computer. It made the distance easier to manage.

When I reached home, Ryan couldn't get enough of me. I think he is the most dependent on me. It's natural since he is still a toddler. He clung on to me most of the time and we couldn't give each other enough hugs and kisses. My parents came over with breakfast, groceries and plants.

Despite being tired, I made sure I brought Keane for his music class in the morning. Much to my embarrassment, I almost dozed off in class. But fortunately Keane was able to manage, as usual. Keane is one year younger than most of his classmates at Yamaha. So sometimes his behaviour came across as an inability to control his emotions. He is easily excited and highly participative. However, he has difficulty controlling his voice volume.

I feel that my kids have come to accept that I'm not going to be very much around during their daily routine. I know that may sound terrible but I'm glad that they are beginning to have lower expectations. Lower expectations mean lesser disappointment. Hence, I try to increase the quality of the time I spend with them. I also try to impart values of big eldest brother to Xavier so that he can help me impart them to his brothers through his ways. I hope this will work.

Despite the fact that being away from home gives me some respite from the bickering and sometimes over demanding behaviour of the children, there's no place sweeter than home.

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