Wednesday, February 9, 2011

First day of school

Xavier's first day of school was pretty uneventful. I was on leave from work and accompanied him on the journey. Hubby drives him to school. I told him to pretend that I was not there. So he alighted and went to the parade square, found his class and sat down to read. I went up to him to let him know that I was leaving. He was pretty cool and said ok. I went to stand at the side without letting him see me.

Nothing major happened except that the principal was asking for Xavier Tan of P1. When I heard his announcement, I panicked a little but couldn't figure out what happened because the flag raising ceremony started before I could make my way to where the principal was standing. After the ceremony, all the students started to make their way to school. I couldn't figure what happened and when I went to the general office, they assured me that if something was wrong, they would inform the parents. I then left.

I went back to the school at dismissal time to fetch Xavier. I was glad that we had the rehearsal in December. The dismissal was pretty systematic other than a slight delay because one class of students didn't make it to the hall until 15 minutes after dismissal time. Again, I told Xavier to pretend that I was not there and make his way to the gate by himself. He managed to do so without any issue.

From then on, he was on his own once he reached

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